Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Introduction to become an Alim Essay

* The first thing is to suffice upon what has been thought, the person who seek knowledge and does not act upon it will become mislead. * Always respect everyone and never do something that which will lower your dignity because now you atomic number 18 representing Islam it not so hold your own respect it is so you hold the respect of Islam. * Never act proud that you an educated a person verily Allah dislike the people who are proud and arrogant. * Be humble and soft with classmates, even if he/she treats you unjustly to you. * When you asked a question by a person who is hard of learning and he/she ask for explanation over and over again dont become angry and just true your best to understand the question. * IF you are asked a question and you dont know past say I DONT KNOW and dont make the answer up. * Always stay on the topic when asked a question.* If someone correct you and you are wrong and admit that he is right. Never deny HAQ (truth) and always accepts the truth.The Eth ics of the teacher* Always rush to giving Salam the teacher.* Talk minimum in previous of your teacher.* When the teacher enter the room stand up in the honor and respect.* wear downt say that someone talked against you.* Dont ask a question to anyone around the teacher because if they dont know the answer they will feel embarrassed.* Dont go against the teachers opinion.* Dont laugh in front of the teacher* Only ask them question when they are at home, not in public * One should verification the teacher from teaching when they are tiered.* To be humbled in front the teacher.* Listen to the lecture with full attention.* before studying seek per missionary station then read Istiadah and Bismillah, then make a dua once finished lessonIntention of an Alim-e-DeenWhen a student of deen is studying his intention should be to please Allah and to help towards Nabi mission and also to show other members of Islam to learn.

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